Sunday, June 20, 2010

Harvesting and Preserving and Edible Flowers

Today, I harvested my Nasturtiums and various greens and lettuces. Right now, I'm soaking them in cold water to get off all the dirt; then I plan to preserve them as a sort of "pickled salad" by using Kim Chi or Sauerkraut.

You might be thinking, "Nasturtiums"? Well, I love to eat flowers! I think they make salads gorgeous and ice cubes pretty. I like to pickle them with other greens, or just eat them out of the garden.

Have you ever eaten a flower? Ever wonder which flowers are edible? It might surprise you to know the list is longer than you might think.

Here's a great link to a chart of Edible Flowers.


  1. My 90 yr old grandfather was just telling me how, when he was a kid, his mom used to pick the dandelions in the yard and make a salad!! I thought that was crazy!! LOL

  2. That's awesome, Kelly! Seems like not only were you a clever little girl, but you were destined for Traditional Foods! :)


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